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What is Odds in Football? How to calculate odds in football

What is Odds in Football? How are odds calculated in football

Odds in football are an indispensable factor in the world of sports betting. These rather complex numbers represent not only a measure of the likelihood of winning or losing a sporting event, but also a bridge between fan passion and profit potential. Understanding and reading the odds can be the deciding factor between winning or losing in football betting. In this article, let’s explore deeper into the world of odds in football, how to read and understand them and how they can be leveraged to optimise the betting experience and potentially achieve profitability.

Understanding odds in football betting
Understanding odds in football betting

What is Odds in Football?

The football odds (betting odds, bookmakers’ odds) are the betting ratios set by bookmakers for football teams. During a match, players make soccer prediction regarding the victorious team, while bookmakers offer recommended betting odds for players to evaluate. This is a commonly used term when engaging in football betting.

Typically, football odds are updated about one week before the match takes place. This is an appropriate period for players to research, study, and select suitable betting odds.

To provide attractive odds, major, reputable bookmakers have specialized teams to analyze matches and offer odds. Smaller bookmakers often purchase football tips from larger sports entities. However, the more attractive the odds, the riskier the bet becomes.

How to read odds in football betting

We have three common types of betting odds in football betting today: Asian Handicap odds, European odds, and over/under odds at reputable bookmakers. Specifically:

Comprehending Asian Handicap Odds

What is a handicap bet? This is also known as Asian Handicap betting. It’s a type of bet that relies on the odds from European bookmakers, from which Asian bookmakers offer handicap odds designed for Asian players.

When choosing these odds, you can only bet on the upper or lower team; there is no possibility of a draw.

0 – 0 odds

When selecting this odds, if the match ends without a winner, you will get your money back, whether you bet on the upper or lower team. If a side wins, those who bet on the winning side will win, and vice versa.

The amount you win or lose is calculated by multiplying your stake by the specified odds from the beginning.

1/4 odds

This is easily understood as the odds handicapping less than half a goal. This means that when the match ends in a draw, those who bet on the upper side will win. If the match ends with a win or loss, those who bet on the right team to win will win.

The amount won or lost equals the stake multiplied by the specified odds.

1/2 odds

The lower team is handicapped by half a goal compared to the upper team. However, in this odds type, you won’t get your money back if the result is a draw. This type of bet is for win or lose only. If you bet on the upper side and they win, you’ll receive your money, and vice versa.

3/4 odds

This concept is simply that the odds are handicapped by one and a half goals. For example, if you bet on a match between Barca and Real, and the score is 1 – 0, those who bet on the upper side for Barca to win will receive half of their wager, and vice versa, the lower side for Real will lose half of their bet.

If you want to win entirely, Barca must win by a margin of two goals or more, while the lower side will lose their entire stake.

3/4 ratio in football
3/4 ratio in football

1.25 odds

If you choose this method, players betting on the upper team will lose half their money if the difference is only one goal. Of course, you’ll win it all if the gap is two goals or more.

1.5 odds

Also known as 1.5 goal handicap. When playing this way, the upper team is handicapped by one and a half goals compared to the lower team. If a draw occurs or the score is 1 – 0, the upper team loses their entire stake, and vice versa, if they win by a margin of two goals or more, those who bet on the upper side will win.

In addition, you can explore other betting odds like 2 – 2 or 1.75, depending on the bookmaker, as you gain more experience.

1.75 odds

This is a 1.5 or 2 goal handicap. The lower team can win. If they win by a margin of 2 goals, those who bet on the lower side will win half the money, and vice versa, the upper side will lose half their bet.

However, if they win by a margin of 3 goals or more, the upper team will win it all.

Interpreting European Football Odds

European odds, also known as 1×2 odds, are explained as follows:

How to read the European handicap in football
How to read the European handicap in football
  • 1: Betting on the home team, where you win if the home team
  • wins. 2: Betting on the away team, where you win if the away team wins.
  • X: This represents a draw. If the bookmaker includes handicap odds, you win if the two teams draw. Otherwise, you lose.

How to Read Over-Under Football Odds

Over-Under odds, also known as “Tai Xiu,” means that players will rely on the initial predictions from the bookmaker to predict whether the final result will be higher (Over) or lower (Under). Essentially:

  • When the match ends with both teams scoring a total of 2 goals, players who bet Under will win, while those who bet Over will lose. The odds are often set at 2.5 and are a popular choice for many bettors.
  • With odds of 1/4, if you bet on Over and the score is only 2 goals, you will lose half of your stake. However, if one more goal is scored, you will win this bet.
  • Odds of 2 3/4 are challenging. When you bet on Over, you win only half of your stake if there are many goals scored. However, you can participate with these odds if the match has three or more goals scored.

How to calculate odds in football betting

Calculating betting odds in football betting can be done step by step as follows:

Step 1: Identify the type of bet and odds

First, you need to identify the type of bet you want to place (e.g., Asian Handicap, 1X2, traditional odds, or decimal odds) and check the odds from the bookmaker. Odds are usually displayed on the bookmaker website or in their betting app.

The player determines the type of bets and odds in football
The player determines the type of bets and odds in football

Step 2: Convert if necessary

Depending on the type of bet, you may need to convert the odds to a different format for easier comparison or calculation. For example, if you have traditional odds, you can convert them to decimal odds.

For traditional odds, use the following formula: Decimal odds = (First integer) / (Second integer) + 1

Step 3: Calculate decimal odds (if applicable)

If you already have decimal odds or have converted from traditional odds, you do not need to calculate further.

Step 4: Place your bet

After you have identified the type of bet and the odds, you can place your bet with the bookmaker in the manner you prefer.


Above is the information surrounding what is odds in football?  Some common football odds. We hope to provide useful information for readers in need to follow and understand. Look for it when you want to have fun, but remember not to get too caught up in it!

See also: Check out the top 5 reputable sports betting apps for people