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Top easiest position in football that you may not know

Top easiest position in football that you may not know

When it comes to football, each position undertakes specific tasks, playing an important role in how the team operates and achieves success. Each type of position has its own characteristics, technical requirements, tactics and necessary conditions to perform the task effectively. While some positions may seem easier than others, that’s not always the case. Each position brings its own challenges, and some players may feel more comfortable and confident in a certain position. So, what is the easiest position in football? Next, let’s find out more details with to answer that question.

Top easiest position in football that you may not know
Top easiest position in football that you may not know

5 easiest position in football today

1. Winger

In some formations, the winger often bears the burden of making more runs than anyone else on the field. They are the ones who require outstanding endurance and speed to reach the necessary position, creating decisive moments for the team. In particular, their ability to accurately cross the ball is not only a skill but also a necessity to open up dangerous opportunities in the opponent’s area.

Winger is the easiest position in football
Winger is the easiest position in football

However, unlike strikers, some teams do not choose to attack strongly throughout the match. Instead, they chose a more considered approach, making the winger’s role less stressful. Despite their undeniable role in a team’s overall tactics, wingers don’t always get the recognition they deserve and some teams don’t prioritize them as much as expected.

With less responsibility than some other positions in football, the position of winger can be considered one of the less burdened and pressured positions in the game. But this does not mean that their role is less important. In fact, they are still the decisive players, bringing balance and flexibility to the team’s tactics.

2. Fullback

Why is it said that defender is the easiest position to play in football. First, fullbacks make less contact with the ball than other teammates, according to studies. This causes them to make fewer decisions and take fewer actions on the field. Frequently playing the role of “door latch” on the wing, the full-back does not often participate in attacking situations or participate in prolonged attacks.

Fullback is one of the 5 easiest positions in soccer
Fullback is one of the 5 easiest positions in soccer

Furthermore, the fullback’s duties are limited to a certain area of the field, from the defensive line to the midfield line. Therefore, they do not have to run as much as other players. During a match, the full-back usually only focuses on protecting his own wing area and supporting the central defenders.

In addition, fullbacks do not face great pressure such as scoring goals or preventing the ball from entering the goal, unlike other positions. They often do not have to worry about scoring or creating scoring opportunities, and instead focus on stopping the opposition from attacking through the wings and assisting their teammates in controlling the ball.

Finally, fans often have lower expectations for fullbacks than for other positions, allowing them to be more comfortable playing and less pressured from fans. Therefore, the fullback can play more easily and does not have to worry much about making mistakes or being criticized by the audience.

3. Goalkeeper

All players in the goalkeeper position have unique challenges. Some goalkeepers face high pressure from public and press attention, while others have to work in teams with poor defenses. However, in this list, seeing some goalkeepers can cause outrage among football lovers not because they are not talented, but because they are considered lucky enough to play in a team with a solid defense system.

Goalkeeper is the easiest position to play in football if the team is really strong
Goalkeeper is the easiest position to play in football if the team is really strong

It can be discussed that the goalkeeper position is one of the biggest challenges in football, with heavy responsibility. However, with a solid defense and few risks, being a goalkeeper can become simpler. This creates favorable conditions for the goalkeeper, reducing the pressure and work that needs to be done in each match.

Some goalkeepers only need to handle a few chances throughout the match, and often they only need to play the role of a defensive guide. However, no position on the football field is completely easy. There are goalkeepers who have faced many challenges and always played the most important role in their team.

Goalkeepers who perform their duties well are often highly paid, but it should be remembered that not all are so lucky. Some goalkeepers face more challenges in each match.

4. Striker

In a football team, the center forward position is often considered the “easiest” position. This is often related to the team’s tactics and playing style. While teams that focus on attack often put a lot of pressure on their strikers to perform at their best, defensive teams often don’t require their star strikers to do a lot of work consistently. This makes their job a little easier if they don’t have to handle the ball as much.

The center forward is often considered the "easiest" position in football
The center forward is often considered the “easiest” position in football

In soccer, the goal of every team is to score goals to win. This is something everyone agrees on. However, strikers can sometimes be overrated for the amount of work they have to do, as many of their scoring opportunities are often created by teammates. Meanwhile, teams that cannot consistently score or only score one goal can focus more on controlling the ball. Therefore, with their striker, the job can become much easier than with many other positions on the field.

Although scoring goals always gets attention, that doesn’t mean the striker is performing better than everyone else on the field. Although the power of stars cannot be denied, they often have to spend a lot of time moving around the field to create scoring opportunities.

5. Midfielder

Center back does not require skills like many other positions in the squad. Their main goal is to prevent the opposing team from scoring. They need to have some strength and speed, but not as much as some other positions. The biggest key for a centre-back is a bit of physicality and using that physicality to an advantage.

Center back does not require skills like many other positions in football
Center back does not require skills like many other positions in football

In the role of centre-back, the ability to read how opponents are attacking is a skill set that requires the mind rather than incredible physical ability. Opposition strikers will really try to exploit the weaknesses of the centre-backs. It’s not like a centre-back can sit still and do nothing throughout the match.

Although the centre-back usually has to do the heavy lifting to stop opponents from scoring, sometimes teams will deploy some of their weaker players in this position. This can create opportunities for opponents to attack, but also means the centre-back may be under less pressure to maintain performance throughout the match.

However, in a match, the midfielder must still be focused and ready to face all challenges that the opposing striker brings. The ability to reshape tactics, adjust positions and react quickly are important factors that help the midfielder maintain stability and ensure the best performance for his team.


This article shows that each easiest position in football brings its own challenges and requires skill, expertise and commitment. While some positions may be easier than others, no position is truly “easiest”. Every player must work hard and constantly improve their skills to achieve success on the field. The most important thing is to respect and appreciate the contributions of each player on the team, because each position contributes an important part to the overall success of the team!

See more: What is the hardest position in soccer? Top 6 hardest position in soccer