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1st Half - 3 Way bet football explained: How to bet? - KingSoccerTips.Com

1st Half – 3 Way bet football explained: How to bet?

In football, the outcome of a match usually falls into three scenarios: Win – Lose – Draw. Players can comfortably bet on the outcome of the entire match or simply bet on each half separately. This is where the concept of 1st half – 3 way bet football comes into play. If you are curious and want to understand more about 1st Half – 3 Way bet football as well as how to place accurate bets with the highest winning odds, refer to this article. Admin Kingsoccertips will share with you the most useful information and knowledge.

1st Half - 3 Way bet football explained: How to bet?
1st Half – 3 Way bet football explained: How to bet?

Overview of 1st Half – 3 Way bet football

What is 1st Half – 3 Way bet football?

1st Half – 3 Way bet football commonly referred to as the 3-way handicap, is a relatively unique type of betting in the football betting market that many bettors pay attention to. It is a type of bet originating from Asian handicap betting. The 1st Half – 3 Way bet football will be quite special. Because it does not adhere to the usual football betting rules such as 0.25, 0.5, or 0.75 handicaps. But rather offers 1 draw, 2 draw, or 3 draw handicaps.

In reality, betting on the 3-way handicap for the first half is quite similar to handicap betting. This means that players will base their bets on the odds offered by the bookmakers to place their bets, aiming to win the most money possible. Odds or odds ratio is the ratio that players receive when they win a bet on a match. And this ratio is always diverse, so players can choose the appropriate odds to place their bets.

The 3-way handicap bet has two basic forms of betting: betting on the first half and betting on the full match. Depending on the situation of the match, the bookmakers will offer the most reasonable 3-way handicap odds for players to choose from to place their bets.

Betting doors in 1st Half – 3 Way bet football

Specifically, 1st half 3 betting allows players to choose between 3 different scenarios, depending on the results of the first half:

  • The home team wins (1st half at home): If the home team takes the lead in the 1st half then the player wins the bet.
  • Tie (Tie 1): If the score is tied at the end of the 1st half, the player wins the bet.
  • The away team wins (1st half): If the away team leads in the 1st half, then the player wins the bet.
The 1st half 3-way betting is growing in popularity
The 1st half 3-way betting is growing in popularity

This approach provides a perspective that takes advantage of developments and opportunities that may occur in the early stages of the game. For players who like to follow dramatic situations and do not want to wait until the end of the game, betting 3 1st rounds is an interesting option.

Features of 1st Half – 3 Way bet football

If it is the original Handicap rafters, there are only 2 doors, the upper and lower doors. And only the handicap and the handicap are accepted. Then with 3-door trusses, there are similar characteristics to 1 × 2 rafters that there are all 3 doors: upper door, lower door and vice versa.

The difference between the two bets above is the handicap. At the 3-door handicap is an integer. It can be said to be a handicap of 1 left or a handicap of 2 left or 3 left. Not 0.5 or 1.5. .. unlike the usual Handicap. The handicap will usually be odd because it is a very high odds bet.

However, the rules of the 3-door handicap will be very similar to the traditional handicap. Because the handicap can also be divided into many bets in the half, such as the 3-door handicap of the first half or the 3-door handicap of the 2nd half or the handicap of 3 doors of the whole half.

How to bet 1st Half – 3 Way bet football?

To execute a 3-Way 1st Half bet in football, the betting process is carried out through several specific steps, helping players to engage in the exciting world of sports betting easily and conveniently.

First and foremost, players need to choose a reputable, legal bookmaker to ensure a safe and fair betting experience. After logging into their betting account, they proceed to the next step.

Next, players select the match they want to bet on, which can be important matches, major tournaments, or matches of particular interest. Here, they choose the option for 3-Way betting for the 1st Half, opening up three specific choices for the first half.

This type of bet has a simple way of placing bets
This type of bet has a simple way of placing bets

Choosing the outcome is the next important step. Players can choose between Home Team Win, Draw, or Away Team Win in the first half. This decision serves as the basis for predicting and betting on the match’s outcome in the 1st Half.

After selecting the outcome, players need to confirm their bet and enter the amount they want to wager. This ensures that they have confirmed their choice and are ready to participate in the match with their desired stake.

Finally, after completing the process, players press the bet confirmation button to confirm the entire process and place their bet. However, they also need to note that the odds and specific rules may vary depending on the bookmaker, so reading and understanding the terms and conditions carefully is crucial to avoid unwanted misunderstandings.

How do I calculate my winnings?

The way to calculate bets with 3-door handicaps is the same as European handicaps. As follows:

Winnings = Initial staked * The dealer’s payout odds with the odds are equivalent.

In a situation where the participant places a 3-door handicap bet but for some reason the round does not happen according to the match, the dealer will refund the bet for you.

When to place a bet?

For a 3-way handicap bet, bettors must wager on all three outcomes, and the handicap will favor one team by more than a certain number of goals. Consequently, the payout odds for winning bets in handicap betting are higher compared to many other types of bets. Moreover, the payout odds in 3-way handicap betting are also quite high. When participating in handicap betting, bettors can place bets on either the 1st half (commonly referred to as half time) or the entire match (commonly referred to as full time).

Depending on the time to choose the right 3-round 1 bet
Depending on the time to choose the right 3-round 1 bet

The reputable bookmaker also offers a 3-way handicap bet in the form of Asian handicap betting. This means that bettors can place bets throughout the duration of the football match. This is also why many experienced bettors choose handicap betting today.

A few experiences put “1st Half – 3 Way bet football”

1. Coordinated odds should be played

It’s advisable to diversify your bets by not solely focusing on the 3-way handicap bet but also considering other types of bets to align with the match’s situation. Specifically for the 3-way handicap bet, it’s recommended to bet on all three outcomes instead of just one. This type of bet is relatively easy to play as long as you closely follow the match.

2. Know tips on choosing the right match

Knowing how to select suitable matches is crucial. The probability and betting odds for each match vary, so players should choose matches with the highest probability of winning. Look for matches with significant disparities between the two teams to minimize the risk of losing bets.

3. Know the actual status of each team

Understanding the current situation of each team is essential before placing bets. Every team can be influenced by external factors, so players need to thoroughly research and assess the condition of each team based on specific criteria such as:

Each team will have different advantages, strengths / weaknesses
Each team will have different advantages, strengths / weaknesses
  • Overall team performance and individual player performance in recent matches (at least the last 5 consecutive matches).
  • Player injuries or suspensions preventing them from playing.
  • Situations where coaches have been penalized with red cards and cannot be on the sidelines.

Clubs or players facing psychological or physical issues.

4. Keep a close eye on Odds fluctuations

Carefully monitoring the fluctuations in odds is also crucial. Odds reflect the bookmakers’ evaluation of each team’s winning chances. By analyzing and understanding these odds, players can make informed betting choices. However, it’s essential to be prudent and cautious because bookmakers often set enticing odds. If the odds are too low, indicating a very high probability (over 90%), players should consider this carefully as the likelihood of winning is exceedingly low.


As you can see, the 1st half – 3 way bet football type is quite interesting, isn’t it? In fact, through the admin’s sharing, we believe that you have gained the basic knowledge to bet on football’s first-half 3-way outcome. Of course, we can also bet on the entire match, but betting specifically on the first half brings more excitement and allure. Don’t forget to visit the Kingsoccertips website every day to update more sports news/guides on betting, thank you, and good luck!

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